Istanbul can be overwhelming at first (and at second and third) - after arriving at the airport late at night, I was dragged to a club by my hosts. But also during daytime there seems endless suburbs, sights and events to discover.
When I discovered the fish market, it felt like it had its own culture, its own group of people - a world of its own.
The perfect project for the limited time I would be in the city for this excursion (still studying for my bachelor's degree, back in 2009). So I could come to the market whenever the light was good - something was always happening.
Soon I was invited to tea and also to watch soccer together ... and also to get married, but that's another story.
Istanbul can be overwhelming at first (and at second and third) - after arriving at the airport late at night, I was dragged to a club by my hosts. But also during daytime there seems endless suburbs, sights and events to discover.
When I discovered the fish market, it felt like it had its own culture, its own group of people - a world of its own. The perfect project for the limited time I would be in the city for this excursion (still studying for my bachelor's degree, back in 2009). So I could come to the market whenever the light was good - something was always happening.
Soon I was invited to tea and also to watch soccer together ... and also to get married, but that's another story.